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Government Orders

On August 7, 2020, the Provincial Health Officer issued an order that prohibits any gathering, indoor or outdoor, of more than 50 people. Further, the government has asked us to try to restrict personal gatherings to between 2 & 6 people - "Stick to six!"(in addition to your family) unless the gathering can accommodate distancing requirements. 

Our Response

For most of our churches summer has provided a way for us to safely assemble in back-yards or in parks. However, as the rains soon come it's likely this will be curtailed and for many of our churches with young families etc., meeting in homes and respecting our authorities will be near impossible.  Therefore, we are preparing for the following plan through till the end of December. 

Beginning in October, the Lambkins will host an online gathering on YouTube (not Insta) from their home.  This will occur every other week. On the alternate weeks, churches will be encouraged to organize a zoom meeting (or another type of meeting at their discretion i.e. - walk, park visit etc.) and Andy will send out a simple liturgy they can use: scripture, a question or two that churches can discuss together and a plan for communion. 


The schedule would look as follows (This will also be posted in the event listings on the church homepage):

YouTube SimpleOnline

October 4

October 18

November 1

November 15

November 29 - Advent Week One

December 13 - Advent Week Three


Zoom Weekends

October 11 (Thanksgiving - if desired/able) 

October 25

November 8

November 22

December 6 - Advent Week Two

December 20 (If desired/able)

Alternate Options

Obviously, if churches can find alternate options for meeting together in person and still respect the government wishes they will be more than free to do so (i.e. plan a walk, split the group up into two, accommodate social distancing etc.).  Nothing is restrictive here but we do ask you to respect our health officials who are working diligently on our behalf. 

Fall Retreat

Finally, it is evident now that we will not be having our annual retreat this year :(  This makes us all sad as it has been such a highlight. Here's to 2021!  We'll make it double the fun.