Ye Must Be Born Again

The fact is, Christian community is never going to be perfect. But while this is true, there's a sense today that the church in North American is in need of a reformation. Somehow, something has gone amiss. To borrow a phrase, "we need... to be born again."

We Understand 

Does this ring a bell? You love Jesus. You love the church. But you feel unmoored, and you sense there is a need for something different.

To be certain, many churches are building this something different. Admirably so. But it's probably true that you're surfing around a website about "simplechurches" because your instinct is toward something simple. Something built around humble community, a devotion to Jesus, the historic creeds, the simple practices of the church, and compassionate love for your neighbour.

You know it's possible, but you don't know where to start? We know that feeling. For the past 15 years, we've been trying to do just that thing here in Vancouver. We want to help you, wherever you are, build something new.

You can do This. We're Here to Help.

Let's Get You Started

There are two things that we need you to do:

1. Fill out the form below to let us know who you are.

How can we help you if we don't know who you are?

2. Watch our introductory video series.

Over the lifetime of simplechurches, many have reached out for wisdom on starting their own simple/house/organic church ministry.  To assist would-be leaders, we have created this introductory video series with three simple aims: 

1. Tell the simplechurch story - Everyone loves a good story. 

2. Provide some "How to's" -  Basic training for those looking to start something. 

3. Respond to the "Frequently Asked Questions" - People always have questions or concerns. We've found the questions tend to be the same.

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